

A dance card is a small booklet which lists the order of dances at a formal ball. Each dance is on a line with a space so that a lady may write down her dancing partner for the dance. Traditionally, dance cards were filled out before the start of a ball, so that a lady knew that her evening was mapped out for her, and they served as souvenirs for women who wanted to remember the events they attended and the people they enjoyed them with.

跳舞卡是正式舞會用來記錄跳舞順序的小冊子,有橫線紋方便淑女紀錄舞伴. 傳統上,跳舞卡在舞會開始之前就已經填滿,讓淑女了解她今晚將與哪些人一起度過.跳舞卡同時也是舞會愉快回憶的紀念品.

The origins of the dance card appear to lie in the 18th century, although the widespread use of dance cards at balls and formal dances did not begin until the 19th century. The “card” is really more like a booklet, although it may be made from a single sheet of folded material. The list of dances on the inside typically also indicates which style of dance is being performed, allowing women to choose partners who are well suited to that type of dance.

跳舞卡起源於18世紀,但普遍被採用則是19世紀的事情. 跳舞卡雖然是小冊子,但也許只有折疊起來的一頁. 跳舞卡通常會標示出第一支舞的類型,並且允許淑女挑選適合這支舞的舞伴.

The cover of a dance card is decorative, and it usually references the host of the event. It may include the date and time of the dance, along with art which compliments the sponsor, such as elegant ships for a ball sponsored by the Navy. Many vintage dance card covers are quite beautiful, featuring the work of well known artists, and some people actively collect vintage dance cards for their covers.

跳舞卡的封面通常都會有裝飾,並且寫出舞會的主人名字. 有時候會包含舞會的日期/時間. 除此之外,還會列出對贊助者的讚美之辭與贊助的東西. 很多上流社會的跳舞卡都十分精美,由知名的藝術家製作封面,並且成為收藏家收藏的藝術品.

Some people also call dance cards Ballspenden, after their German name. By tradition, only female attendees of a dance carry dance cards, which are typically attached with decorative cord or ribbon. A wise lady also carries a pen for her dance partners to use when they fill out her dance card. Especially elegant dance cards may even be decorated with jewels, gold leaf, or other expensive features.

有些人稱呼跳舞卡為"Ballspenden" (德語). 在傳統上,只有女性會攜帶跳舞卡,並且使用緞帶或蕾絲作為裝飾. 有些聰明的淑女會多攜帶一支鋼筆給舞伴填寫跳舞卡. 特別的是,

The use of a dance card can be challenging. Although there are no formal rules, there are some social conventions which are important to keep in mind. For example, a lady generally does not give more than three dances to the same gentleman unless she is greatly attached to him. It is also traditional to take the last dance with a special someone, leading to the request to “save the last dance for me.” Courteous gentleman always ensure that all ladies at a dance have partners, and they may dance with less than desirable partners to make sure that everyone at the dance is having a good time.

跳舞卡的使用可以很富有挑戰性.雖然沒有嚴格的規定,但是還有一些常規需要特別注意. 例如,一個淑女不能跟同一個紳士跳三支以上的舞,除非她很喜歡他.而傳統上會保留最後一支舞給特別的人,這通常由紳士要求而定. 謙恭有禮的紳士會確保舞會上所有的淑女都有舞伴, 因而主動邀請沒有舞伴的淑女跳舞.

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1. 第一支舞: 宮廷舞,邀請的時間點是開舞前的用餐寒喧時間
2. 其他舞的邀請時間點: 公爵們當場自行決定
3. 填寫邀請卡:男士攜帶鋼筆給受邀的仕女填寫



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